(EPHRATA) - In what some are calling a bold attempt to proclaim his innocence, cyclist Floyd Landis distributed free urine samples to attendees at a fundraiser at the Ephrata Performing Arts Center over the weekend.
"I implore you to examine these specimens yourselves," said the defamed Tour de France winner, "and tell me if they look like the urine of someone who uses performance enhancing drugs."
"I knew he was innocent all along," said Bart Longmeadow of Lititz, as he held the sample he received up to the light. "And this confirms it. It's sparkling and translucent, and I don't see no drugs!"
The event also served as the official product launch for Gatorade's newest flavor, Floyd's Power Punch. According to the label, the beverage "contains enough testosterone to make a grown man vibrate for three solid days."
"I implore you to examine these specimens yourselves," said the defamed Tour de France winner, "and tell me if they look like the urine of someone who uses performance enhancing drugs."
"I knew he was innocent all along," said Bart Longmeadow of Lititz, as he held the sample he received up to the light. "And this confirms it. It's sparkling and translucent, and I don't see no drugs!"
The event also served as the official product launch for Gatorade's newest flavor, Floyd's Power Punch. According to the label, the beverage "contains enough testosterone to make a grown man vibrate for three solid days."